Explaining the Label Changes Behind Genepro Gen3: Same Great Protein, But Better!

Explaining the Label Changes Behind Genepro Gen3: Same Great Protein, But Better!

Am I Getting the Same Amount of Protein as Before?

Explaining the Label Changes & Debunking Protein Myths

We have updated the supplement facts to reflect the actual weight of each scoop of Genepro, which is now 11g. The old scoop of Genepro in weight was 7.2g, and the supplement facts read 30g of protein, which was based on the concept of nutritional equivalence and the clinical trial we had conducted through the NIH.

Protein in Weight Versus Protein Your Body Can Actually Use

We did this to showcase how Genepro is 3x more effective than traditional whey protein, which means your body needs significantly less Genepro to achieve the same nutritional results as 3x the amount of whey protein. Not only is this still the case, but our updated formulation of Genepro is even more usable than before.

Gen3 Improvements: Protein That's Formulated To Punch Above Its Weight

Through our partnership with Plasma Nutrition and their ioWhey technology, we were able to improve the bioavailability of GENEPRO while adding additional measurable perks. It is also clinically proven to decrease gastric distress by 46% (becomeio.com/science/). In addition we have also added a truly revolutionary ingredient, ImmunoLin from Entera Health to boost immune function (enterahealth.com/products/immunolin/). ImmunoLin was previously only available through prescription and has received FDA GRAS designation.

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